Sunday, October 11, 2020

It’s a Wrap - Let the Fall Fun Begin!

Summer is over and now that fall has officially arrived, I’m sure many of you are searching for fun things to do in our very autumn friendly state.  Let me make a few suggestions that may pique your interest.

1 Take a quick getaway weekend to view some of the prettiest foliage in New Hampshire. We have so many perfect leaf-peeping hikes throughout the state; the Great North Woods, North Percy Peak in the White Mountains, Mount Cube and Arethusa Falls in the Dartmouth/Lake Sunapee region as well as Gunstock, Belknap and Piper mountains in the Lakes Region to name just a few.

2. If you are not too keen about driving far from home, you can also stay close by and enjoy walks on the various rail trails located around the state, or even take advantage of the nature walks offered by the New Hampshire Audubon in Auburn.  Whether you travel near or far though, be sure to get out your camera to capture the maple, oak and beech trees in all their fall finery.  Who knows, you might even see some wildlife.

3. For more family fun, why not get lost in a corn maze?  You’ll find them around the state, but here are a few to get you going:  Beech Hill Farm in Hopkinton; Coppal House Farm in Lee; Riverview Farm in Plainfield; Scamman Farm in Stratham, and Sherman Farm in East Conway.

4. For those of you who would rather stay inside, warm up a nice mug of hot chocolate or spiced cider and get out those crafts that you put aside.  Pumpkin-carving is a great way to have fun with the family!  Get outside to your backyard and grab some leaves, pinecones and branches from trees and put them in a vase.  Create that autumn ambiance in your home with a fall wreath, scented candles, and add lights in the windows.

If all this sounds like fun but you are unsure where to start here are some books that will help you plan your journey or get you started with some craft ideas.

Fall Color and Woodland Harvests: A Guide to the More Colorful Fall Leaves and Fruits of teh Eastern Forests
by Ritchie C. Bell

New Hampshire: An Autumn Sojourn by Ken Paulsen

National Audubon Society Field Guide to New England

The Big Green Book of Recycled Crafts

Upcycling: Create Beautiful Things With the Stuff You Already Have by Danny Seo

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