Thursday, December 17, 2020

Finding Fiction By Tim Fisher

Last month I told you about our easier-to-find Movie and TV collection. Now I’d like to mention the changes that we have made to the Fiction collection.

Normally, under the Library of Congress classification scheme, fiction books are found under the letter P. For example, British writers are found under PR, American authors under PS, Scandinavian authors under PT, etc. etc. This has usually meant using the Library Catalog to find the authors you like.

Now, we have separated out our most popular authors’ works and re-labeled them FICTION and have arranged them by the authors’ last names. Now, if you want to find what we have by Stephen King, you just peruse the Fiction shelves until you get to K, and there they are!

And while you may find a few classic authors like Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte have moved to Fiction, don’t worry, we are still keeping many literary tomes such as Moby Dick and Tom Sawyer available in the PS’s, and As You Like It and Ivanhoe in the PR’s.

In this way, we hope to make your browsing experience in the Library easy and fun. Right inside the entrance, you can find movies and TV series by title, audio books by author, children’s picture books like Dr. Seuss by author, Young Adult books by author, and now, lots of popular fiction books by author as well.

As soon as we get back to normal, it should be easy to find that break from studying that you can find in a great book or movie! Stay safe!


E-Books & QR Codes - A New Way To Access Our E-books!

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