Thursday, August 12, 2021

E-Books & QR Codes - A New Way To Access Our E-books!

There is something new sharing the shelves at the NHTI Library!  In the past, like many libraries throughout the country our display shelves would present the newest arrivals, books of important current topics and selected fiction and non-fiction books we thought you would enjoy.  But now there is something new nestled among them.  Scattered throughout the library you will find laminated placards highlighting one of our many
  If you see something that catches your eye there is no need to bring anything up to the front desk – your e-book is just a phone scan away.  Use the QR scan code reader on your smart phone to read the conveniently located scan code on the placard, tap the webpage notification and you will be immediately taken to the NHTI log in page.  Log in with your Easy Login and Password and the E-book will be there for you to enjoy.

Once you are in you will have options to search the e-book, print pages, email pages and even get citations.  So next time you are in the Library take out your smartphone and scan your way into one of our many E-books.  And don’t forget if you don’t see it on one of our shelves, you can still access our E-books by using the Quick Search on Library’s home page.



E-Books & QR Codes - A New Way To Access Our E-books!

There is something new sharing the shelves at the NHTI Library!   In the past, like many libraries throughout the country our display shelve...